If you’re curious about the highest dollar bill ever printed, then you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we’ll delve into the history and significance of the highest denomination of U.S. currency.

Let’s explore the details of the highest dollar bill ever printed. Keep reading!

What is the Highest Dollar Bill?

The highest dollar bill ever printed is the $100,000 bill, featuring a portrait of Woodrow Wilson. However, it was not intended for circulation and was only used between Federal Reserve Banks.

In fact, only 42,000 of these bills were ever printed from December 18, 1934, to January 9, 1935. Despite its high denomination, it was not used for everyday transactions.

highest dollar bill

The Largest Denomination of U.S. Currency

While the $100,000 bill is the highest dollar bill ever printed, it’s not the largest denomination of U.S. currency that is currently in circulation. That title belongs to the $100 bill, featuring a portrait of Benjamin Franklin. It has been in circulation since 1928 and is still widely used today.

obverse reverse one hundred dollar bill

The Importance of High-Denomination Bills

High-denomination bills, such as the $100,000 and $10,000 bills, were not intended for everyday use but rather for transactions between banks.

They were used for large-scale transfers of funds between institutions, such as settling international debts or purchasing large assets like property or ships. While these bills are no longer in circulation, they played a significant role in the history of U.S. currency.

The Future of High-Denomination Bills

Although high-denomination bills are no longer in circulation, there has been some discussion about reintroducing them.

The U.S. Treasury Department has stated that they have no plans to reintroduce bills above $100, but some economists argue that having higher-denomination bills could help reduce the costs of transferring large sums of money.

However, there are concerns about the potential for higher denominations to facilitate illegal activities such as money laundering.


  • In conclusion, the highest dollar bill ever printed is the $100,000 bill, but it was not intended for everyday use.
  • The largest denomination of U.S. currency in circulation is the $100 bill, which has been used for almost a century. While high-denomination bills are no longer in use, they played an important role in the history of U.S. currency and have sparked discussions about their potential usefulness in the future.